Saturday, November 19, 2011

Help with survey questions...?

mmmk I have finally selected a topic for my persuasive speech.... rapists are as just bad as murderers and should have the same punishments... however now I need to make an 8 ? yes/no survey on it.... so far I have 5 questions... I need 3 more... and I can't think of any others... so far I have:

1)Do you think rape is as bad as murder?

2)Do you think rapists deserve harsher punishments?

3)Do you think that in a sense rape %26amp; murder are the same type of crime, murder- killing someone physically, and rape-killing someone mentally?

4)Do you think that the rate of rapes reported is higher than murder?

5)Do think the type of rape should matter, ex. Date rape w/drugs, or rape w/out drugs should make a difference in the punishment?

please help if you can come up with any others

Help with survey questions...?
Do you think that rape and murder are both about power?

Do you think that woman can commit rape?

Do you think that rape and murder are both crimes of passion?

2. Yes



Reply:I can't think of any questions, but I'll answer your survey. You'll have to ask it anyway, right?

1. No. Unless the rapist killed afterwards, then you're still alive. Life goes on. Don't live in the past.

2. No. What would that do? You cannot reform someone's mind if they are not willing to let it be reformed. Punishing them further is done purely out of your frustration, which stems from the aforementioned fact.

3. No... rape, for some people, is a turn-on taboo. The idea of partaking in non-consensual or even semi-consensual sex is something people fantasize about. There are certain masochists out there who yearn for such pain. Of course, this would be fantasy vs. reality. Fetishes vs. an actual rape occurring are different.

4. I don't know... is it? This is for YOU to research since this is statistics. Of course, not all rapes and murders are reported, but usually, rapes aren't reported as much because of shame or fear... the prime reasons why many male rapes aren't reported.

5. ... rape is rape. *shrugs* But, the drug MAY make a difference in the punishment depending on how illegal it is.

For the power question... yes and no. It depends on the circumstances. Most say it is about power and not pleasure, but I'm willing to bet that there's a chunk out there done because of the latter (possibly out of desperation; crime of passion).

For the women capable of raping one... of course women can rape!

For the crimes of passion question... depends, once again. I am willing to bet that rape can be planned. It can be both or any.
Reply:One of the first questions should be:

Do you consider rape to be a crime of passion or a crime of aggression?

Do you consider the rape in Bosnia and now in Dafur to be a type of genocide?

Do you consider the rape in Bosnia and now in Dafur to be an act of war?
Reply:1 the same because the victims has to live with that scar for the rest of her life. and a person that is murder is dead but they family has to live with that
Reply:do you think that the citizens of the US consider murder worse than rape?

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