Saturday, November 19, 2011

Please give a list of Questions to ask on a Parent survey for desired excellence in high quality childcare.?

I'm a childcare provider, wanting feed back from parents to ensure they are happy with the care they are receiving at this time, as well as new services that are to be offered in the near future. Allowing them a voice without the worry of hurting feelings. I would like to get their true input.

Please give a list of Questions to ask on a Parent survey for desired excellence in high quality childcare.?
I would list a few open ended questions like

What services and activities do you think are the most beneficial to your child/children?

What services and activities do you think are the least beneficial to your child/children?

What changes would you make to the program?

What suggestions do you have to improve the quality of care your child receives?

What comments do you have either positive or negative about the program?

Also, you might think about making it anonymous.
Reply:I would say invite your parents in during a week and allow them to observe what is going on. I'm guessing that most of them have no idea what is going on unless there is an accident. This will help them fill out the questionnaire and be more helpful. Also it would be good to create an open door policy with a comment box for parents. Its easier to get feedback when the parent is thinking about it than several months later when they are asked. Breaking the questions up into specific sections as in child specific, center specific, activity specific, playgroup specific, and meal specific. Make sure that they don't put their names on the sheets, this will encourage them to be more truthful.

-Do our hours of operation generally work for your schedule?

-Does the facility keep things sanitary enough?

-Are children encouraged to use proper hand-washing procedures before eating and after using the restroom?

-Is your child genuinely happy in the program?

-Do you consider the toys and activities to be age appropriate?

-Is your child's primary provider friendly with you and your child at arrival and departure?

-Do you see the need for any improvements/changes in the staff, meals, activities or discipline?

-Does the staff follow their classroom rules and daily schedule?

-Is your child encouraged to express their feelings and work toward a solution during a problem?

-What is your opinion on ____ being brought/offered in the program?
Reply:-Are the teachers and staff accomodating?

-Is your child learning a lot?

-Have you noticed any improvement of your child?

-Are you satisfied with the services we are providing?

-Any point where we need to improve?

-What other services can you suggest

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