Monday, May 11, 2009

Global Warming Survey Questions?

For a class project, I need to come up with 20 survey questions to ask students and teachers in my school relating to Global Warming. So far, I have the basics like, "do you think global warming is a problem?" and "what is the biggest cause ofgreen house gasses?" but I'm having trouble coming up with other questions. Help?

Global Warming Survey Questions?
Question #1: If you had to choose to spend $10 Billion on an effort which MIGHT reduce global warming or spend the money on drugs and food which WOULD reduce deaths in poor countries which would you choose?

Question #2: If you had to choose to grant $10 Billion to research universities to study global warming or advanced disease research which would you choose?

Question #3: What is the largest greenhouse gas? Answer: Water

Question #4: Did you know research has shown past rises in temperature were followed by increases in CO2 and NOT the other way around?

Question #5: Did you know about 55 Million years ago the estimated water temperature at the North Pole was over 75 degrees! If man was not a factor then, what caused all the warming?

Question #6: About 40,000 years ago, much of North America was covered in ice. What caused it to be so cold then?

Question #7: About 1000AD, it was warm enough for Vikings explorers to farm in Greenland. If there was no industry back then why was it so much warmer?

Question #8: Did you the fastest rate of temperature rise during the 20th century occurred during the 1940s; before the massive industrialization of the second half of the century. If this the case why was it so much warmer during the 40s than the 70s?

Question #9: On a related note, why were scientists in the mid 70s were very concerned about "global cooling"? Time and Newsweek and other news sources did stories on the "menace" of global cooling back then. Do a Yahoo search for more info.

Question #10: When the Kyoto treaty came to the US Senate for approval, the vote was 95-0 against ratification. This vote against the Kyoto protocol was more unified then the vote to declare war on the Japanese in 1941. Why?

Please also review the link below for more detail. Please note the 19,000+ people signed on.
Reply:.........Here are a few ideas..........

Do you believe global warming is happening?


Should Climatologist be fired from their jobs for reporting the information?

.......Democrat Governor Censors....

..........Source of information...............

Academic Views On Global Warming

Wednesday 7 February 2007, by admin

Either believe that Global Warming is caused by man, or you will not be allowed to be the Oregon Statel Climatologist.


Media Fired Up About U.N. Global Warming Report

News reports eagerly promote global warming, predict catastrophe and selectively silence climate experts.


Who should we believe about about global warming? What we ourselves know or what we are being told or both?


Are the people of the world doing enough to prevent global warming?

Should the South American countries try to maintain better control of the destruction of the rainforests?

What present day animals are under stress due to global warming.

Warming of the world's oceans might benefit reefs in some ways. But it could add to the environmental stresses already besetting coral reefs.

the treasure trove of the world's frogs and toads is disappearing at a catastrophic rate. And it's not just potential medicines which could be vanishing but creatures of beauty.

.......... "Frogs and toads ..............

..........are becoming extinct..........

........... all over the world...............

Greenland Ice Sheet has experienced record melting in recent years and is likely to contribute substantially to sea level rise as well as to possible changes in ocean circulation in the future.

.........Is Global Warming Killing..........

............. the Polar Bears?.................

..........A SADNESS TO BREAK.........

............. YOUR HEART....................

They have been found 60 miles from shore searching for food. They die because they are weak from hunger and too weak to get back to shore.....




Is Al Gore more suited to the job he is now doing now or should he have been the president in order to do more?
Reply:Recently it was in the news that rice paddies give off a high percentage of methane gas that is thought to be the cause of global warming. (The paddies are flooded with water which liquifies the manure\fertilizer used giving off huge quantities of methane.)

Do you agree with this?

What would be a possible solution?

Scientist have stated that if the Antartic melts, coastal areas on every continent will be doomed to be permanantly underwater.

How should we handle the relocation of the people and businesses this will affect?

Do you think that building should be banned in coastal areas now?

So much of the tropical rain forest is being clear cut everyday and the forest is source of many things in our ecosystem including oxygen. This is part of global warming.

What can we do as individuals about rain forest clearing?

The United States refuses to sign a global agreement to limit greenhouse gases.

Why do you think the United States refuses?

Do you agree or disagree with that stand?

If you disagree, what can you do to change it?

Many countries are developing alternative sources of energy that do not damage the ecosystem such as wind power.

How can we urge our government to do the same?

In what ways can you personally cut pollution?
Reply:how will global warming affect the world in the future?!!
Reply:How about: "Are you REALLY gullible enough to believe Al Gore is a scientist?"
Reply:Do you recycle?

Do you buy products from companys that are Environmentally friendly?

Do you avoid a companys product because they dont seem to care about the environment?

Do you think the "Global Warming" issue is real?

Do you think the Media has Over-blown the Global Warming issue?

Do you think Al Gore is a good spokes person for Global Warming?

Do you think that Global Warmng is just part of Earths natural nature?

Hope these help.
Reply:If we are having a global warming why are we still cold in New York. We are still getting down in the 30's. You can go to : Ask Dr. Global Change or Green Coast Search and find some questions. Good Luck. Oh, I also typed in my tool bar and asked What is global warming? and got a lot of sites on that.
Reply:What would you suggest to help resolve this problem?

Have you tried anything to help?
Reply:You could also ask about how much of your life style polluting commodities are you willing to give up to help mitigate green house gases

what you need to ask is

1. The impact of Global warming on the world.

2. How can Global warming be managed coz it can be cubbed.

3. Global warm and the future of the world.

4. Processes by which green house gasses are released into the atmosphere.

5. The effect of green house gasess on the Ozone layer.

6. Areas of the world where green house gasses are released the most e.g Africa- wood burning.

i guess with the above you can coin some questions out.
Reply:you first need to filter your survey. your first question should be: Do you know what global warming is. If not please hand in your questionnaire. Is So, please continue to #2.

Secondly, at the end you should ask questions to categorize people. ie: are you male or female? What age group are you in, etc. This will make it possible for you to make hypothesis at the end. ie: 70% of women are worried about climate changes. etc.

So there is the beginning and end of your survey. As for the middle now.

Do you recycle?

Are you in favour of Kyoto?

Those the climat change worry you?


Good luck

choosing massage shoes

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