Monday, May 11, 2009

What are some funny survey questions?

I write a top 10 list for a magizine written by my friend and I can't think of a funny question. One of my questions was what is your favorite body part.

What are some funny survey questions?
paper or plastic ___? (fill in the blank)
Reply:Would you rather eat your sister's boogies or your best friend's?

Would you rather smell poop or step in it?

I know those sound terrible, but I think they are kind of grossly funny. Lol.

Take care,

Reply:what is your favorite clown name?
Reply:What's your favorite cuss word?

Do secretely think that children's art is crap when you see your co-worker's children's artwork on display?

Do you think you can draw better than your co-worker's children?

Can you show us?

Would you hit on me if you saw me in a bar?

Why/why not?

Who would make a better president---George W. Bush or a box of tic tacs?

Do you laugh just to make the other person feel better when they crack a lame joke or saying something stupid?

If you were to get a life-sized tattoo on your body, what would it be of?

Have you told your mother that you love her today?

Sweating Disorders

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