Thursday, May 20, 2010

Does the amount of sleep you get nightly affect your concentration during the day? (Survey Question)?

I have already posted this question, but i need more answers. Since this is a survey, please put your name (First and last, or it could be a fake name, but make it sound real!), the hours of sleep you get nighly, and rate your concentration from a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. Thanks a lot!

Does the amount of sleep you get nightly affect your concentration during the day? (Survey Question)?
I can function at a level 10 with nine hours sleep.

I can function at a level 8-9 with seven to eight hours sleep.

My concentration begins to droop with less than seven hours sleep to maybe a level 6 or lower.

Missy Andryst
Reply:Yes, it does affect my concentration in that matter it would be a 7.
Reply:Mae Mendoza, at least 8 hours of sleep, 9
Reply:Maggie Cola

The amount of sleep I get does affect my concentration, coordination, and reaction time.

I'm at my best with 9 hours sleep. Rate 10.

I do fairly well with 8 hours sleep. Rate 9.

I'm dragging with 7 hours sleep. Rate 7.

I really can't function well with less than 6 hours sleep. Rate 4.

I can't think at all with no sleep. Skipping a night's sleep makes it impossible for me to concentrate. Rate 1.
Reply:Roy Winston

4 hours or less - 5/10 and lower.

6 hours - 7/10.

8 hours or more - 9/10.
Reply:yes it affects your concentration.8 hours of sleep-9/10
Reply:i think so
Reply:George kozmi I think I need 10 hours of sleep and my concentration would be about 5

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