Thursday, May 20, 2010

Govt. survey questions!!! >.< pls help all!!!?

ok, so I have a stupid govt class paper to write and not much time to do it either...but I need some help with it, so can I get some answers please!

So I ask, you answer; NEED ALL THE ANSWERS I CAN GET!!!

ok so here's the questions:

1. Do you believe govt should have: a Big role, a Miner role, or should stay the hell out of our day to day lives?

2. Do you believe govt. should support Abortion Rights?

3. Do you believe govt. should support Environmental Regulations?

4. Do you believe govt. should support Gun Control Laws? (as far as regulating them as in, who can buy them, when you can buy then, where you can buy them, under what surcumstances your allowed to own them, ect...)

5. Should govt. help those who are homeless, in poverty or discriminated against due to wealth issues?

6. Do you believe govt. should support Domestic Unions? (as in: Same-sex marriage unions)

Govt. survey questions!!! %26gt;.%26lt; pls help all!!!?
answer to question 1. I believe the government should play a big role in our lives.

question 2. Government should support the law. What ever abortion rights are legally guaranteed the government should support.

question 3. Yes government should support environmental regulations.

question 4. The government has to enforce laws not take positions. Many gun ownership rights are guaranteed under the 2nd amendment.

question 5. The government should help those who are homeless and in poverty get back to work and rejoin society.

question 6. I don't believe the government should support same-sex unions
Reply:I believe that the role of the government should be directed for and by the people. That means the role could be major or minor depending upon the issue. For sure, there should not be intervention in day-to-day lives. 2) The role of abortion and rights lie in the hands of the WOMEN and MEN to whom this is a concern. This is not a governmental role.3) Regulations for environment I believe is important enough to allow standards for all and to establish protocol for each state. This is something that effects the whole of our nation - not just the individuals. 4) I certainly do believe in gun control - who can buy, when and where. We have enough proof to substantiate that guns and their uses and the people who use them are completely OUT OF CONTROL! 5) I think it is important that the money our government spends on silliness such as "golden toilets" and "$500 hammers" and even more importantly, signatures from heads of state who authorize BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO SUPPORT WAR EFFORTS! If that kind of money is AVAILABLE in our country to send to someone else and to support war - surely, the people who live in these United States who are homeless, without insurance, etc. can be satisfied. No one in America should be without the basic needs of life. Otherwise, we would be a third world country.

6) I do not believe in same sex marriage. That is certainly not what our country was founded upon.
Reply:How can I tell you what you believe? The answers are in your head. I mean, I have one set of answers and lots of folks on here will be the polar opposite, so you need to decide for yourself.
Reply:1. The government should stay out of people's day to day lives.

2. The government should support abortion rights but you need to know that is NOT what Roe v. Wade was all about - it was about privacy issues.

3. The government should support environmental regulations after all they made the laws and big business MUST follow the law.

4. No, the government has no business determining who should and who should not own a gun. We have the 2nd Amendment to back it up!

5. Yes, the government should help those that cannot help themselves but they need to question welfare and new rules ought to apply and for a certain length of time.

6. The government should not support same sex marriages - all that is for is to get benefits that are presently not allowed to such couples.

Get to the nitty gritty of everything and it is easy. By the way your government class is by no means stupid - you are if you believe that! If you don't know history and government you can't be trusted with the vote - it is vital you learn that young or the government will be something to be scared to death of your whole life!
Reply:1. The Gvmnt should have a minor role in personal lives (it's not Mom and Dad). 2. It's not the Gvmnt's role to decide personal issues. 3. Yes. That's not a personal item. 4. Yes. To keep firearms from criminals and to punish those using firearms in crimes. 5. A city government, I think, should be responsible for that if they choose to do so. 6. The people should decide that. Not government. Hope this helps your survey.
Reply:yea, the thing is correct. these questions are all matters of opinion. if i believed in anarchy but you didnt, who am i to tell you what to believe. there is no right answer to any of these questions.

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